We need to know if culture is changing.
Many of us see culture change as part of our mission. But culture change is difficult to achieve - and tricky to measure. This means it often remains on the wish list.
But if we want to address thorny issues like health inequalities and economic justice, we need to actively pursue it.
Mindsets - and moving mindsets - are at the heart of culture change.
Mindsets are deep, enduring patterns of thinking that underlie surface attitudes and opinions. When mindsets move, they open up new possibilities for changes in behaviour, policy, and institutions.
Why should we track mindsets?
Tracking mindsets allows us to see where and how they are moving - and uncover new opportunities for culture change.
Tracking mindsets also helps us to measure the impact of social (or narrative) change efforts. For example, we could ask: is the Black Lives Matter movement creating change at the level of deep culture?
What will the programme do?
The FrameWorks Institute has been tracking mindsets in the US since 2020 with a similar programme. They have seen a significant rise in systemic thinking across multiple issues, including racism and the economy.
Moving Mindsets will build on this research to develop a UK-specific tracking instrument. We'll use this instrument to track mindsets over time.
Want to add the issue you work on to the Mindsets tracker?
Get in touch about funding the programme.
Email us
This pilot stage of the Moving Mindsets Programme has been generously funded by our partners the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Health Foundation.

How can we counter the mindset of individualism?
A blog by our Executive Director, Kate Stanley
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