Improving children’s health in Ireland
A communications guide for talking about children’s health and obesity
How we communicate about children’s health matters because it can fundamentally change people’s understanding of the issue, and the solutions that are necessary and possible.
This guide is for anyone communicating about children’s health and obesity in Ireland. It provides evidence-based, practical communications tips and advice to help shift people’s thinking, build understanding, and increase support for policies and programmes that will help children thrive.
This guide brings together recommendations from FrameWorks’ research into children’s health and food, the wider determinants of health and related issues such as poverty. While our research is based in the UK, work by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) points to similar communications challenges in Ireland. We see very similar ways of thinking about health and obesity – albeit to different extents. This indicates that the framing strategies which emerged from our research in the UK are likely to be helpful in the Irish context too.
More information on why we need a new approach to communicating about health and obesity, detailed research findings and methods can be found in the strategic briefing: Changing the childhood obesity conversation to improve children’s health.
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