
How do people think about the rule of law and access to justice?

Year one of the Reframing Justice programme

Two stories are told about law and justice in England and Wales.

The first is a story of ‘lefty lawyers’ and ‘enemies of the people’ frustrating the will of parliament and endangering the national interest. The second is a story of ministers undermining the rule of law and cuts to funding, over many years, until the justice system is at breaking point.

Which story shapes the next five years will depend on how well it is framed.

FrameWorks UK is working with The Law Society to understand how people across England and Wales think about the rule of law and access to justice – and what changes these things.

Below, you’ll find our summary from the first year of this programme – contrasting core ideas from experts in the field of law and justice with public mindsets.

Download our research

Reframing Justice

Year one summary

pdf (652.81 KB)


Core ideas

Summary of the core ideas held by experts across the field.

pdf (179.26 KB)
