
Food, poverty and health: reframing communications to shift hearts and minds

Event recording

Food, poverty and health: reframing communications to shift hearts and minds, is a recording from an event hosted by the All-island Food Poverty Network in September 2024.

How we talk about food poverty matters, as it has the power to change how people think and feel about the issue. In this session, Sophie shared insights, guidance and practical tips for communicating about food, poverty and health in ways that build understanding and support for solutions.

She drew on FrameWorks UK’s research on how to frame health and food, as well as our research into poverty and the wider determinants of health, to provide insights for communicating about food poverty.

The talk focused on 5 recommendations as well as an introduction to what framing is and why it matters:

  1. Show how what surrounds us shapes us
  2. Harness explanation
  3. Use data to support your story, not to tell it
  4. Show we can fix it
  5. Put individual stories in context


Catch up on the event