Talking about vaccines
Webinar recording
How do people think about vaccines in the UK? How does this drive, or deter, support? And what we can do differently to communicate about vaccines in ways which can increase uptake?
We know that vaccines can save lives. We know that millions of people in the UK get vaccinated every year. And we know that some people don’t. It may be easy to paint everyone who hasn’t been vaccinated as ’anti-vax’ but (spoiler alert) that’s not the whole story.
In this webinar, which was originally broadcast in July 2024, we discuss how the way we communicate can impact how people think, feel and act when it comes to supporting vaccination programmes, and getting themselves and their families vaccinated.
The content of this webinar is based on FrameWorks UK research supported by the Wellcome Trust. Read our briefings on communicating about vaccination in the UK.